Strawberry Moon Coming Soon (Olam BaShavua 1.5) - June 19, 2024



Get ready for the Strawberry Moon! Named by the Native Americans for its presence during the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries in the north-eastern US, on June 21 at 9:08 p.m. EDT we’ll see the lowest and most enchanting full moon of the year, featuring a golden glow and a mesmerizing moon illusion that makes it appear closer and larger in the sky. (Source Articles: NASAUSA Today; Space

The Moon in the Torah: Kiddush Levana, also known as the Sanctification of the Moon, is a Jewish ritual performed once a month to bless and sanctify the new moon and its cycle as part of God's wondrous creation. While the opportunity to recite Kiddush Levena may have already passed this month (please consult your LOR), the prayer remains a source of inspiration, reminding us of the moon's profound significance in Judaism and encouraging reflection on its beauty and importance. (Torah Source

GrowTorah Value: ✡️ Incubating Emunah ✡️  


New England will be coal-free by 2028, with the last two coal plants closing by 2028 and 2025, following 25 years of advocacy by the Sierra Club to reduce air and water pollution and promote cleaner energy and public health. (Source Article: Sierra Club

Energy in the Torah: In this article, the author discusses what we can learn from the Jewish tradition about how to use energy responsibly (Torah Article

GrowTorah Value: 🌎 Stewarding the Earth 🌎


The City of Edinburgh plans to ban advertisements for high-carbon products such as airlines, cruises, SUVs, and the entire fossil fuel industry, aiming to promote sustainability and combat climate change. (Edie)  

Impact Accountability in the Torah: While Edinburgh's ban on advertisements for high-carbon products focuses on city-wide measures to combat climate change, this article emphasizes individual responsibility and actions to protect the environment. Both stress the importance of collective efforts in promoting sustainability and reducing carbon footprints for a greener future, whether through city policies or personal choices. (Torah Article)

GrowTorah Value: ⚖️ Tzedaka ⚖️


Italian scientists have created the Butterfly Forest project in the Italian Alps, replicating a Tanzanian rainforest environment in a greenhouse to support declining butterfly populations and emphasize butterflies' critical role as biodiversity indicators and pollinators. They also aim to raise awareness about conservation challenges like deforestation and habitat loss. (Source Article: ABC News

Biodiversity in the Torah: In this article, the author explores the value of the continuity of species (from plants, to animals, to insects) in Jewish texts and traditions, including and beyond halachic imperatives. (Torah Article)

GrowTorah Value: 🦋 Compassion for Creatures 🦋


Nurturing Nature (Olam BaShavua 1.6) - June 26, 2024


Concrete Plans (Olam BaShavua 1.4) - June 12, 2024