הנה מה־טוב ומה־נעים שבת אחים גם־יחד
How good and how pleasant it is that siblings dwell together.
- Tehillim 133:1
We love collaborating with new organizations! We have several different partnership models, as explained below. Please reach out with any questions, using the form at the bottom of this page.
We have input all of our Shorashim & Anafim Partners into this maps for easy viewing. Enjoy!
We love collaborating with new organizations! We have several different partnership models, as explained below. Please reach out with any questions, using the form at the bottom of this page.
* Shorashim Partners *
We are privileged to partner with the following schools, creating Educational Torah garden programs. At each site, we build beautiful vegetable gardens, where our staff teach weekly lessons for the students throughout the growing season.
* School Anafim Partners *
We are privileged to work with the following schools as Anafim Partners. We advise and train their staff to run successful educational garden programs at their school.
* Summer Camp Anafim Partners *
* Educational Partners *
We work with the following organizations on various educational initiatives:
We are incredibly grateful to The CBR Fund for its significant gift in support of our Shorashim and Anafim programs. We are delighted to expand to more schools in Summer 2022.
We are deeply grateful to have been selected to receive a Covenant Foundation 2020 Ignition Grant in support of the launch of our Anafim Partnership, enabling us to train and support an inaugural cohort of teachers as they bring our experiential and environmental Torah garden programs to their individual schools during the 2021–22 school year.
In 2020, we were incredibly fortunate to have been accepted into Cohort 12 of the Upstart Venture Accelerator. In addition to regular workshops, seminars, labs, and coaching, this 18 month journey brings with it the opportunity for up to $100,000 in funding.
We proudly participated in the inaugural cohort of the OU Impact Accelerator in 2019. Along with education and mentorship, we received a $25,000 grant as part of this program. Thank you to Jenna Nelson Beltser and the entire OU team.
We are eternally grateful to the many individual donors who help support GrowTorah. In particular, we express our gratitude to EJF Philanthropies for their generous grants to help fund our work.
Thank you to Bridges 613 for featuring GrowTorah in The Connected Directory, a database that allows you to search for the Jewish organizations that suit your personal needs and affinities.
Shorashim Partners
A GrowTorah team member maintains the school garden and conducts 3 hours of weekly teaching in the garden (throughout the growing season).
Location: NYC Metro region*
Shorashim Annual Program Fee: $11,025.00
Anafim Partners
GrowTorah trains 2 school staff in our pedagogy and basic school garden skills, then meets weekly for coaching to ensure a successful program.
Location: Anywhere in North America*
Anafim Annual Program Fee: $4,200
GrowTorah is available to install your school garden for $2,500.
*For schools outside of the geographic region offered, please reach out, as we would love to try to help you.