Beastly Ocean Cleanup (Olam bashavua 1.10) - July 24, 2024

Beastly Ocean Cleanup

Mr. Beast’s TeamSeas campaign has now removed over 34 million pounds of plastic from the ocean in two years, beating the original goal of 30 million and making millions care about cleaning up our waters (Source Article: TeamSeas)

Water in the Torah: Mr. Beast’s achievement highlights the urgent need for environmental stewardship, which echoes the themes in the following article which underscores our spiritual and practical dependence on water. The author explores how Jewish teachings emphasize the sacredness of water and the need to cultivate a deeper appreciation and responsibility for protecting this vital resource, aligning with the broader message of conserving and valuing our natural environment. (Torah Article

GrowTorah Value: 🌎 Stewarding the Earth 🌎

Jungle Justice 

Colombia's groundbreaking lawsuit, following at least seven similar court victories, demands that jaguars, macaws, and tropical dry forests be granted legal rights to "life, health, and integrity" to protect them from local mining threats and broader environmental degradation. (Source Article: Inside Climate News)

Biodiversity in the Torah: In this article, the author explores the value of the continuity of species (from plants, to animals, to insects) in Jewish texts and traditions, including and beyond halachic imperatives. (Torah Article)

GrowTorah Value: ⚖️ Tzedaka ⚖️

Shell-ebrating a Record Return

Thanks to conservation efforts by patrollers 25 years ago, a record 546 sea turtle nests were counted on Anna Maria Island as of July 2nd, surpassing the previous record, with hatchlings from those earlier efforts now returning to nest themselves. (Source Article: AMI Sun

Animals in the Torah: In this article, the author explores stories and values in Judaism that implore us to have compassion for G-d's creatures, including and beyond halachic imperatives. (Torah Article

GrowTorah Value: 🦋 Compassion for Creatures 🦋

Flowing Back to Nature

After 25 years of work, Michigan’s Maple River is now the first U.S. river to fully revert to its natural, free-flowing state, reversing past human impacts like roads, dams, and blockages, and offering an inspiring model for future conservation projects. (Source Article: Up North Live)

Rivers in the Torah: These psukim from Tehillim (104:10-13) celebrate God's provision through the natural flow of rivers, and highlight the divine importance of natural waterways in sustaining life and reflect the spiritual significance of restoring such ecosystems. (Torah Source)

GrowTorah Value: ✡️ Incubating Emunah ✡️


Tree-Mendous Restoration (OLAM BASHAVUA 1.11) - JULY 31, 2024


Island Impacts & Legal Landmarks (Olam bashavua 1.9) - July 17, 2024