Wall-e 2.0 (OLAM BASHAVUA 1.16) - September 11, 2024

Wall-E 2.0 

A revolutionary robot called Maximo, is speeding up solar panel installations with unmatched precision and cost-efficiency, promising a major leap forward in renewable energy development. (NY Times

Energy in the Torah: In this article, the author discusses what we can learn from the Jewish tradition about how to use energy responsibly. 

GrowTorah Value: 🌎 Stewarding the Earth 🌎

South Australia’s Plastic Ban: A September Shake-Up for the Environment

South Australia has officially banned single-use plastic items, such as coffee cups and confetti, from September 1, 2024, as part of its initiative to cut down on plastic waste and support environmental sustainability. (SA Gov)  

Waste Reduction in the Torah: In this article, the author explores the commandment of Bal Tashchit, emphasizing its prohibition against waste.

GrowTorah Value: ⚖️ Tzedaka ⚖️

Arch Goes Dark to Light the Way for 1 Million Migrating Birds

This September, the iconic Gateway Arch in St. Louis will dim its lights to avoid confusing over 1 million migrating birds, helping these avian travelers navigate their journey without getting lost in the dazzling glare. (Fox

Animals in the Torah: In this article, the author explores stories and values in Judaism that implore us to have compassion for G-d's creatures, including and beyond halachic imperatives.

GrowTorah Value: 🦋 Compassion for Creatures 🦋

Nature’s Remedy: Study Suggests Green Spaces Could Match Meds for Mental Health

A new study reveals that spending time in nature can dramatically enhance mental health, suggesting that green spaces could possibly be just as, if not more, effective than traditional medications for improving well-being and sparking an interest towards natural remedies in healthcare. (The Guardian

Awe in the Torah: In this Jewish text, the author elaborates on a statement of awe and wonderment from Tehillim at the brilliance of Hashem’s creations.  

GrowTorah Value: ✡️ Incubating Emunah ✡️


Fisherman & Fall (OLAM BASHAVUA 1.17) - September 18, 2024


From Surplus to Sustainability (OLAM BASHAVUA 1.15) - September 4, 2024