Fueling Change (Olam bashavua 1.8) - July 10th, 2024


Reforesting Congo: Billion Tree Triumph 

The Democratic Republic of Congo has planted nearly a billion trees over the past five years through its ambitious 1 Billion Trees program, aiming to restore biodiversity, improve climate resilience, and integrate reforestation with sustainable agricultural practices. (Source Article: Mongabay

Trees in the Torah: In this article, the author discusses the significance and symbolism of trees in the Torah as well as Jewish tradition and literature, and how many Jewish sources connect trees with our proper stewardship of the earth. (Torah Article

GrowTorah Value: 🌎 Stewarding the Earth 🌎

Climate Verdict: Fueling Change

The UK Supreme Court has made a groundbreaking decision mandating thorough evaluation of environmental impacts, including fossil fuel emissions, before approving projects. This landmark ruling enhances scrutiny of climate impacts, potentially reshaping assessments for oil and coal projects, and bolstering efforts for a sustainable future. (Source Article: The Guardian)  

Impact Accountability in the Torah: In this article, the author discusses the biblical and talmudic obligation to “be a good neighbor” and the emphasis on avoiding causing any harm or damage to others. (Torah Article

GrowTorah Value: ⚖️ Tzedaka ⚖️

Sea Sanctuary Secured

After a decade of negotiations, Peru has finally established the Grau Tropical Sea National Reserve, covering 115,675 hectares, to celebrate and protect its rich biodiversity while cracking down on illegal fishing. (Note: It has sparked controversy due to its allowance of some industrial fishing activities.) (Source Article: Mongabay)  

Biodiversity in the Torah: In this article, the author explores the value of the continuity of species (from plants, to animals, to insects) in Jewish texts and traditions, including and beyond halachic imperatives. (Torah Article)

GrowTorah Value: 🦋 Compassion for Creatures 🦋


A new 3-year study has revealed that spiny lobsters protect corals by using their urine to scare off predatory worms and snails, which is amazing because protecting coral reefs helps maintain marine biodiversity and supports the health of ocean ecosystems. (Source Article: The Guardian)  

Wonder in the Torah: This section of Tehillim serves as a reminder to express gratitude to Hashem for the extraordinary marvels of the seas and the beings that inhabit them. (Torah Source

GrowTorah Value: ✡️ Incubating Emunah ✡️


Island Impacts & Legal Landmarks (Olam bashavua 1.9) - July 17, 2024


Pacific’s Hidden Treasures (Olam BaShavua 1.7) - July 3, 2024