GrowTorah FrischFarm-2.jpg

לעבדה ולשמרה

A beautiful world comes with great responsibility


GrowTorah aims to cultivate a more passionate, compassionate and sustainable future driven by Torah values.


GrowTorah develops experiential & environmental Torah education programs for Jewish institutions.

וינחהו בגן־עדן לעבדה ולשמרה
...and G-d placed him in the garden of Eden, to till it and tend it.
— Genesis 2:15


Our Shorashim and Anafim Partnerships bring our educational garden programs to 27 schools and 8 camps across the USA.


GrowTorah’s college internship, run in partnership with the OU Impact Accelerator is a paid program for college students interested in GrowTorah’s mission.


We provide experiential workshops on a variety of topics for schools, shuls, JCCs, and more. In 2022, we ran 30 workshops to over 3000+ participants.


We run a Torah farming day camp in New City, NY for the last few weeks of August. Sholarships are available thanks to the support of the Mina Gillers Memorial Fund.



“Our boys wholeheartedly enjoyed their experience at Grow Torah! They came home smiling each day, excited to share all that  they had learned. Thank you!!”

Camp GrowTorah Parent

“Spence put on a fantastic show at our Microgreens event. Everybody was engaged and excited, and we can't wait for our seedlings to grow!”

Tu B’shvat workshop attendee

“Thank you for helping us grow plants. I appreciate that you help us with puling carrots and naming the plants. I also loved that you told us the plant that ladybugs like. Now when we see a ladybug we out it on the plant. I like how you combine Torah and plant growing. Thank you for teaching us. ”

2nd grader from a Anafim School

“Getting my hands dirty on real farms was such a cool experience and gave me tons of confidence in my gardening abilities and my ability to make an impact in this world.”

Summer Inchworm

See below for upcoming events:


We are always working on new program offerings to bring you meaningful inspiration! Got an idea for us? We’d love to hear it!

Keep scrolling for the latest at GrowTorah, and feel free to
get in touch with us with any questions!


What’s ‘Growing On’ this month at GrowTorah?



Mazals - you dug down to the bottom of our website!

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