National School Torah Gardens
We are ecstatic to launch our new Anafim program with support from a Signature Grant from The Covenant Foundation.
The program for the 2024-2025 school year will include:
Summer Garden Educator Training Seminar (In person, New England)
Biweekly Coaching Sessions with GrowTorah staff (Virtual)
Monthly Cohort Webinars (Virtual)
Multimedia teaching & gardening resources:
Curriculum with lessons for every parsha, chagim, and more
Video Tutorials for teaching 10+ parshiyot in the garden
garden educator manual
Crop Plans, lesson plans, and more!
To learn more about this program, please click the button below to schedule a meeting with Farmer Sara Just-Michael, Co-Executive Director.
Current School Anafim Partners:
We are privileged to work with the following schools as Anafim Partners. We advise and train their staff to run successful educational garden programs at their school.
The Anafim program was launched with a 2020 Ignition Grant from The Covenant Foundation. It helped us to train and support an inaugural cohort of teachers in our Virtual Anafim Program in 2021.
We now look to expand the Anafim Farmily with our 4th cohort in 2024, bringing our experiential and environmental Torah garden programs to even more schools across the USA.
We are incredibly grateful to The CBR Fund for its ongoing operational support of our Shorashim and Anafim programs.
** The Anafim program and all of our curricular resources are made possible (in part) by funds granted by The Covenant Foundation. The statements made and views expressed, however, are solely the responsibility of the author(s).