From The Soil
The GrowTorah Blog
Blooming in Brooklyn at Barkai Yeshivah
Every week, classes attend lessons in the Stephanie Sultan Garden A”H with Farmer Spence. These lessons are rooted in texts and values from the weekly parsha. Each lesson contains a parsha learning goal relating to GrowTorah’s Core Values, an interactive garden exploration, and garden work.
Growing Together with Gesher
Gesher’s Growtorah garden had a fantastic community rebuild day to install a brand new garden! Students in Gan Katan recently harvested the first radishes they planted this spring!
Keeping it Green in Chabad of Greenwich
Joining the Anafim program in May of 2021, Chabad of Greenwich has built a gorgeous and inspiring garden and nature program. From upcycling tree logs to create their raised beds, nature scavenger hunts and growing delicious foods, the garden program has been a fantastic success. Read more…
Embracing Z'man Ha'aviv at Ben Porat Yosef
We are delighted to feature Ben Porat Yosef - they were our FIRST New Jersey partner school in March 2016! It is truly incredible to share in the journey we have taken together and to celebrate this spring as our SEVENTH growing season. Read more
Spring Torah Blooms at Moriah
In 2018, The Moriah School of Englewood partnered with GrowTorah, joining the Shorashim program. From an early point, Moriah shared a vision with GrowTorah to cultivate a more passionate, compassionate and sustainable future driven by Torah values.
Cultivating Students' Spiritual and Physical World at Westchester Day School
Rabbi Nuriel Klinger of Young Israel of Scarsdale, WDS’s Rabbi-In-Residence, in conjunction with Science teacher, Ms. Rebecca Shapiro, operate and educate in their GrowTorah Garden. In the garden, students learn regularly about the parsha, environmental stewardship, and appreciation for the beauty in nature.
Moshava Ba’ir NJ- Sowing the Seeds of GrowTorah
With the success of this first program, throughout the 2014-2015 school year, Yosef piloted the very first (yet to be called) GrowTorah school garden program at Yeshivat Frisch. This would then launch GrowTorah officially in March of 2016. So, you could say that MBNJ is the garden that started it all!
Flourishing in Flatbush
In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month features Yeshivah of Flatbush.
Engaging in Nature at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month features the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades.
Bringing Shul Outdoors with Ohr Hatorah in Atlanta
Ohr HaTorah’s Programming and Youth Director, Miriam Seidman, operates their GrowTorah Garden in which educators, Adi Feen and Farmer Scott, run the garden lessons. The entire Ohr HaTorah team has created a lavish garden and enriching learning environment for their students!
GrowTorah Welcomes Ora Sheinson as New Board President
We are delighted to welcome our new board president Ora Sheinson! We conducted this short interview with her, so you can get to know Ora a bit better.
17 Garden Beds Built by the Students of MJBHA at the GrowTorah Garden
Our brilliant and creative educators at Berman Hebrew Academy are Rabbi Nate Fein and Rabbi Avichai Pepper. In the garden, students learn weekly about the parsha, environmental stewardship, and appreciation for the beauty in nature. Rabbi Fein and Rabbi Pepper started from scratch, weeding and clearing an area next to their track and transforming it into an elegant garden.
Bringing Torah to Life Through Nature at SAR's Gan Ilan
In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month features SAR Academy.
Composting, Gardening, and Animal Welfare at the Har Torah GrowTorah Garden Program
At Yeshiva Har Torah, our GrowTorah garden program is thriving with so many exciting educational experiences led by Farmer Mr. Rafi Allman. In the garden, students learn weekly about the parsha, environmental stewardship, and appreciation for the beauty in nature. Beyond the garden, YHT started a mini-farm with chickens and rabbits for the students to learn how to properly take care of all of Hashem’s creatures with the most compassion.
Emunah in Nature at NSHA's GrowTorah Garden
In this monthly feature, we showcase one of our Shorashim Partners - this month features North Shore Hebrew Academy.
Shmita Lessons in the Yavneh Academy GrowTorah Garden Program
The Yavneh garden has been booming during this very exciting shmita year! With GrowTorah’s own Sara Just-Michael, students have been learning about shmita and which plants are good to plant before a shmita year to help maintain the soil.