Welcome to the Anafim digital resources: Shemot
Dig into the tools and materials linked here as a supplement to lessons in your Zraim books to help your students grow and flourish
Parshat Shemot
This video shows a step-by-step process of how you can make paper with your students.
This video explains cording, a method of making rope out of grasses.
Parshat Va’Era
Click here to learn more about the concept of Full Sun.
Here is a resource to help find the origin of the water in your area.
Parshat Bo
Here is an example of row covers you can use in your garden!
Here is an example of bags you can place over your buds or vegetables for protection.
Here is an Owl Decoy you can use to deter certain pests from your garden.
Here are some natural insect repellents you can use in your garden.
Parshat Yitro
Follow these instructions for planting microgreens with your students!
Parshat Terumah
Read the GrowTorah Garden Manual. The “Maintenance” section begins on page 11.
Parshat Tetzaveh
Click here to read the Sefer Hachinuch on the purpose of the design on the Kohen Gadol’s clothing.
Click here to read about the Gemara’s comparison of Jews to Pomegranites.
Learn how to germinate seeds with your students here.
Learn about the Kli Yakar’s understanding of the Kohen Gadol’s clothing.
Parshat Vayakhel
Use this ruler to measure the appropriate spacing between seeds you plant with your students.
Use this crop planning index to help you decide which plants to start with your students.
Parshat Pekudai
You can order worms for Vermicomposting here!
Learn how to start your own vermicompost bin from NYC’s Composting Project.
Here is a detailed lesson plan on Vermicomposting.