Welcome to the Anafim digital resources: Shemot

Dig into the tools and materials linked here as a supplement to lessons in your Zraim books to help your students grow and flourish

Parshat Shemot

  • Here are some resources on how paper, glass, and metal are made. These resources are for you as the educator, they do not need to be shared with your students.

  • This video shows a step-by-step process of how you can make paper with your students.

  • This video explains cording, a method of making rope out of grasses.

Parshat Va’Era

  • Click here to learn more about the concept of Full Sun.

  • Here is a resource to help find the origin of the water in your area.

Parshat Bo

  • Here is an example of row covers you can use in your garden!

  • Here is an example of bags you can place over your buds or vegetables for protection.

  • Here is an Owl Decoy you can use to deter certain pests from your garden.

  • Here are some natural insect repellents you can use in your garden.

Parshat Beshalach

  • Learn about your local watershed here!

  • WaterGen is an Israeli innovation designed to help with the global water shortage.

  • Here are some other ways to protect our water sources that you can discuss with your students.

  • Explore more water learning here!

Parshat Yitro

Parshat Terumah

Parshat Tetzaveh

Parshat Ki Tisa

  • Learn how to make an upcycled greenhouse with your students here.

  • Learn which Brachot to make on different types of besamim here.

Parshat Vayakhel

Parshat Pekudai

  • You can order worms for Vermicomposting here!

  • Learn how to start your own vermicompost bin from NYC’s Composting Project.

  • Here is a detailed lesson plan on Vermicomposting.