Dear Fuchs-Mizrachi Family,

🌱 Thank you for wonderful day of planting, pickling, and experiential Shmita learning with GrowTorah. 🌱

Click the button below to learn more Torah about our relationship with Nature and Eretz Yisrael, and scroll down for follow-up instructions.



Mazal Tov on your new little “plot of land”! As the farmer of that land, you have the responsibility לעבדה ולשמרה- to work and to guard. Shnat Shmita is a very special way that we care for the land of Israel- today you get to tend to land and have a “mini shmita” weekly when you pause from tending to your land for Shabbat. Below are the instructions for how to care for your microgreens.

Follow Up Instructions

COVERING: Seeds prefer darkness to germinate, so keep a cover over your tray for the first 2-3 days after planting until you see some sprouting.

WATERING: Use a mister/ spray bottle once or twice daily to keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. Pouring water on also works but avoid making a mud puddle.

UNCOVERING: After about 3 days, your seeds should have sprouted and will most likely be yellowish. Uncover your tray and place your microgreens near a window that gets some sunlight. They will start to change color (to green) within a few hours of sunlight.

HARVESTING: Your microgreens will be ready to harvest about a week and a half after planting. Grab some scissors and snip the greens just above the soil or pick them by hand.

EATING: To serve, wash the microgreens with water dry with towels or a salad spinner. For the freshest flavor, harvest and serve them immediately. They can be added to soups, salads, sandwiches or main dishes.

BRACHA: Microgreens do not commonly have bugs but always check the produce for bugs since bugs are not Kosher. Thank Hashem for giving us food from the Adamah (earth) by making a borei pri haAdama and enjoy! בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', אֱלֹ–הֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה



When learning about Shmita, we discussed where food comes from in Israel this year. To learn about prolonging “our harvest” to last from the 6th year into the shmita year, we learned how to make lacto-fermented pickles! Beteavon!

Follow Up Instructions


The liquid in your jar will likely become foggy and bubble. This is normal and will help your vegetables to ferment.


Since the pressure will build up in your jar, to prevent the jar from expanding, make sure to “burp” the jar daily. “Burping” is the method of releasing some of the CO2 by opening the lid momentarily and reclosing it (similar to opening a seltzer bottle). 


Keep your pickles in a room temperature setting for 3-7 days while it ferments. After a week, your pickles will be ready for eating and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. 


Thank Hashem for giving us food from the adama (ground) by making a borei pri haAdama and enjoy!  


The recipe we used can be found here:


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